
Home Barriers


2nd generation brushless barrier gate from SMART INDIA. This product adopts the latest mold design technology, mold die-cosing manufacturing technology, brushless control speed technology, and can be quickly interchanged, no clutch design, more reliable quality and more convenient use. The movement adopts two – stage worm gear transmission and curved crank arm three- link structure, and the landing rod is fast and stable. Easy maintenance and long service life with 100% duty cycle and 2 years manufacturing defect warranty.

6m x 3m Boom Barriers

The 6m x 3m boom barriers are a powerful and efficient access control solution designed to manage vehicle entry and exit in various settings, such as parking lots, industrial complexes, and gated communities. With a substantial 6-meter horizontal reach and a 3-meter vertical clearance, these barriers are suitable for regulating a wide range of vehicle sizes, from compact cars to large trucks. They offer a robust and secure means of controlling traffic flow, ensuring only authorized vehicles can pass through. These boom barriers are equipped with advanced technology, including various access control methods such as remote controls, card readers, and intercom systems, making them versatile and user-friendly. The 6m x 3m boom barriers provide a reliable and efficient solution for properties that prioritize security, access control, and traffic management, making them a valuable asset for a range of applications.

High-Speed Boom Barriers

High-speed boom barriers are a state-of-the-art solution for efficient and secure vehicle access control in busy environments. These barriers are engineered to offer rapid opening and closing speeds, allowing for swift and uninterrupted traffic flow. Whether at toll booths, parking lots, or industrial entry points, these barriers ensure minimal waiting times and optimal security. Equipped with advanced automation technology, they offer various access control methods, including RFID card readers and remote controls, making them versatile and adaptable to specific needs. High-speed boom barriers are not only about convenience but also about enhancing security and productivity. They are a trusted choice for properties that demand the highest level of access control and traffic management, ensuring seamless and efficient operations in high-traffic areas.


Accessories for barriers are the essential elements that enhance the functionality, security, and convenience of these access control systems. These components add value to a wide range of barrier products, including boom barriers, turnstiles, and gate operators. Accessories can include remote controls, card readers, keypad systems, intercoms, and safety sensors. Remote controls allow for remote operation, making access control more convenient and user-friendly. Card readers and keypad systems are employed for secure entry and exit, ensuring only authorized individuals can pass through. Intercoms facilitate communication between users and property owners or security personnel. Safety sensors detect obstructions and halt the barrier's operation to prevent accidents. These accessories not only streamline access control but also enhance the safety and security of the property, making them an indispensable component of a robust and efficient barrier system.
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